
I am developing a new website which I hope to launch in September 2024. I will flag it up here so look out for it. My 2024 work is not included here, though the work in Semi-Abstract Landscapes and Nature in a Box is fairly recent. My practice includes collage, print, 3D work, installations. These diverse practices are connected by their development from site-specific investigations.

The aim is to make people aware of, or to reframe, connections between places, times and events, and to create opportunities for people to embed new associations and perceptions in their memories of a particular environment.

My work is often based on my love of and concern for the natural environment, while at the same time acknowledging the realities of the modern world, and I want to share both these aspects with others. In my less serious works, I hope to encourage playfulness and curiosity.

Any comments? Please e-mail me, catriona (at) artistsbooks.org
However, if this fails please inform me via my partner, chris (at) utopia-britannica.org.uk

To find out more about me, go to my Biography